Scare Crows and Get Rid of Them: Best Repellents Included


Hearing a hoard of cawing in the wind may just terrify anyone who has watched enough horror films. This classic birdcall of the crow is something many movies, stories, myths, and legends use to symbolize death or a bad omen of sorts. The crows association with death only holds some truth. Scarecrows are also kind of synonyms for horror movies. Do they really scare crows?

You see the crow is a very smart, omnivorous bird. From its cartoon associations of raiding cornfields to flocking around a dead animal, a flock of crows will always seize the opportunity to eat. While their scavenger duty of eating carrion is very helpful in keeping our forests, roads, and cities clean of dead animals, their preference for your birdseed and vegetables can be annoying.

Nothing like putting a lot of effort into tilling the field and planting the seed only to wake up to a bunch of crows having a fiesta in your garden. To make matters worse it would almost seem like these dark birds laugh at you as they eat your crops. But before you judge the poor crow too much, why not get to know them a little bit.

Knowing how to deal with these creatures and what they are like will allow you to easily rid your yard and garden of them fast. With this simple guide, you will get to know the little crows, the best crow repellents, and the best techniques to ward them away from your yard, garden, and home for good.

Crows: The Garden Gate Mystery of Murder

crow socialization

With the rising costs of production and other necessities, many people are starting to follow the trend of community gardens and growing their own private veggie patches. While these are wonderful ideas they also come with a few drawbacks. One is garden pests such as crows, squirrels, raccoons, snakes, mice, rats, and insects.

While getting rid of some masked bandits and nutty woodland creatures is easy, getting rid of a flock of crows will be the real challenge. These dark little crop fiends are some of the smartest bird species in the world. Interestingly, a grouping of crows can be referred to as either murder, flock, or horde. Crows can also form very large groups of up to hundreds, if not thousands of crows.

In fact, the crow is so smart they can use simple rock and sticks as tools, mimic human voices, problem solve, communicate with their fellow crows with a wide variety of sounds, and can even teach other crows how to recognize a friendly or unfriendly human. These dark birds can even hold grudges should you accidentally or purposely harm/kill one.
Crows are related to the Corvidae family of birds. This means magpies, ravens, jays, nutcrackers, jackdaws, and rooks are all related to the odd little crow. There are over 40 different species of crow and most of them mate for life with only a few exceptions. Some species of crow are currently considered either endangered or have gone extinct due to population declines.

Crows, being the opportunistic omnivores that they are, generally eat frogs, carrion, fruit, mice, reptiles, small mammals, eggs, seeds, grain, nuts, insects, worms, mollusks, non-insect arthropods, and even other birds. These birds will even eat meat scraps and other types of food waste.

The Dangers That Surround the Intelligent and Enigmatic Crow

If you thought dealing with crows raiding your garden and eating up all the birdseed was bad, it is sad to say that these aren’t the only problems crows can cause for you. Crows can pose a risk to you, your family, and your favorite local birds by carrying various diseases and parasites.

Common diseases carried by crows are:

  • Salmonella
    This is transmissible to humans and usually happens when people deal with dead birds, contaminated food/water, contaminated soil or crow droppings and urine.
  • Aspergillosis
    Transmissible to other birds
  • Trichomoniasis
    Transmissible to other birds
  • Avion pox
    Transmissible to other birds
  • Mites, feather mites, and lice
    Transmissible to other birds
  • Lyme disease
    Transmissible to humans since crows can often times carry infected ticks. This also means they can carry various other tick-borne diseases.

Getting Away With Murder: The Stories of Crow Killing

When it comes to crows you may want to sit for a minute and rethink your plans for murdering a murder. Crows are very smart birds who have a very sharp and adept memory. When it comes to a dead crow, the other crows will perform what is called a crow “mourning” ritual.

This odd little ritual of theirs involves them gathering around the scene of their fallen comrade and squawking very loudly. This is really their way of determining the cause of death and warning other crows of a future threat. Just like humans, elephants, giraffes, chimpanzees, geese, wolves, otters, swans, and their fellow Corvids, crows also take death pretty seriously.

The enigmatic birds are often associated with death but at the same time, they fear it themselves. So when they see one of their own no longer among the living they will send a few to scout out the dead bird. Once they figure out how their fellow bird died, they then gather and caw out their warning to other crows in the surrounding area. They will continue to do this for weeks afterward.

It has been proven that a crow will still remember a threat even after seven years of the incident’s occurrence. Crows do this as a part of their survival mechanism for determining friend from foe. In fact, this is one of the many mechanisms humans and crows share among others.

To prove this theory scientists in Washington State even did an animal behavior confirming that crows can determine a friend (the person who feeds or leaves food around) versus foe (the person who is around their dead or killed their fellow crow).

  • Is it wise to kill a crow?
    Well, that all depends on how you go about it. Killing a crow will keep the others away so in a way it is an effective method. However, should you kill a crow and they remember you, you will end up dealing with them harassing you for a very long time. Crows never forget a face and will even tell other crows about you.
    There are many stories of people who have killed a crow and ended up having to move away from their home. This was mainly because the crows would purposely claw, bite, and even antagonize the person responsible for killing their fellow murder member.
  • I’ve tried everything, killing them is my only resort, what do I do?
    If you have no other option besides killing the crows, then it is best that you do it in a smart way with their intellect in mind. If you intend to use a gun to kill a crow, make sure you wear a mask that completely obscures your face.
    This will make it harder for the crows to recognize you and you can use the mask on your scarecrow to keep the birds away for good.

Additionally, take a look at this infographic detailing the difference between a crow and a raven (it will help with identification)

crow and raven differences

How to Use Natural Methods to Scare Crows and Repel Them from Your Garden and Home

Here are a few ways in which you can scare off those garden bullies for good.

1.) Make a scarecrow and/or use fake predators

scarecrow in field - does it scare crows?

Snakes, owls, and other large birds are all predators to the crow. Use fake snakes to nest-proof areas and fake owls with loud nature sounds around your yard, garden, and on the roof of your home. Halloween decorations that have motion sensors and make noise are great scarecrow alternatives.

You can also use a taxidermy crow, wear a mask, and pretend you killed a crow. The crows won’t know you are using a fake crow and will assume you have killed one of their own. The mask can be later added to a moving scarecrow as an extra scare tactic against crows in your garden or yard.

2.) Using ultrasonic crow repellent devices in your yard or garden

Crows hate loud noises which are great since there are many ultrasonic repellents out on the market. The best part is these repellents also ward off other yard and garden pests such as raccoons, squirrels, snakes, deer, rabbits, mice, and so on.

3.) Cleaning your garden and yard to prevent the crow’s prey from sticking around.

Once finished, make sure you secure your garden, compost, and garbage cans properly.

4.) Use reflective objects

Crows dislike moving reflective objects. You can bring out your disco ball and shiny Christmas decorations and ward of those crows fast.

5.) Use special bird feeders that make it next to impossible for crows to perch on or break into.

6.) Clear away any nests and crow proof any potential nesting sites.

Crows are habitual with their nesting practices. This means if they can successfully nest in an area, then they will return to that area again for their next breeding season.

How Does This Ultrasonic Crow Repellent Works?

The ultrasonic crow repellent works by scaring crows with a loud, annoying sound. Crows by nature are easily fearful of anything related to a predator. That means they dislike loud sounds,

How Much Does it Cost?

This wonderful ultrasonic crow repellent usually sells for about $79.99. But if you order now with our 50% discount, this crow repellent device can save your garden for only $39.99. Which is a great deal when you think about the fact that you won’t have to deal with any more thefts and unwelcome cawing in your yard or garden.

This product can give you, your family, your pets, and your garden extra protection from those darkly feathered flocks today!

The Benefits of Using an Ultrasonic Repeller to Keep Crows Away

ultrasonic crow repeller

There are plenty of other great benefits that come with using this outdoor ultrasonic crow repellent in your yard or garden!

The benefits you get by using this ultrasonic crow repellent to tame the flock in your yard or garden:

  • You can ward off other garbage divers, compost scavengers, garden invaders, and unwelcome yard visitors. This crow repellent also works well for warding off raccoons, snakes, foxes, rats, mice, bugs, hares, skunks, squirrels, stray dogs and cats, moles, and more.
  • This variety of crow repellent is all natural and chemical free. You won’t have to worry about exposing your family or pets to any toxic poisons or any other types of pest repellents.
  • This type of repellent method is safe to use around people so you won’t have to worry about anyone getting accidentally hurt.
  • It is environmentally friendly for you, your family and pets, your garden, the local fauna and the planet.
  • This ultrasonic crow repellent is easy to assemble. It is made up of high-quality parts and you can easily use it anywhere in your yard or garden.
  • A great to get rid of crows without having to resort to killing. This ultrasonic crow repellent can solve all of your crow problems for good!
  • You save money and you won’t have to deal with anymore cawing or mass raids on your bird feeder.
  • This type of crow repellent is shipped to your door fast so you can use it right away in your home or garden.

You don’t have to sit and listen to a murder of crows tease you as they destroy your garden or yard.

Buy one of these awesome ultrasonic crow repellents today and free yourself of a murder of crows tomorrow!