The Best Way to Get Rid of Crows


A crow will always be attracted to a garden that has a good food supply, few predators, and lots of places to roost. They are clever birds and will choose your garden over others if they think it will have everything they could possibly need. Crows will swoop down on any food you may have left lying about as well, watching and waiting for the right opportunity, because they know that where there are humans, there will always be a food supply of some sort. So how to get rid of crows?

Often you will end up with more than one crow in your backyard, and they can get terribly noisy. This also has an underlying cause beneath it apart from just communication with other crows. The cacophony created by crows will scare away any other birds, reptiles, and small creatures, so there is less competition for food and plenty of space for the crows to roost and raise their young.

Crows can be menacing to people as well as animals, as they have a tendency to swoop down on humans which can be rather terrifying. So how do you get rid of backyard crows? Sometimes it can be a difficult process, but the following tips will help you shoo these annoying and noisy birds away.

How to Get Rid of Crows?

The Model Crow

This method may sound a little crazy, but remarkably, it can work really well. Crows are frightened by fake crows, and if it is hanging upside down, it works as a danger signal. If you can find a fake crow, which may not be too easy but it is possible, simply hang it upside down in your garden and wait to see what the crows do about it.

For those who are quite clever at crafts, you could make your own model crow.

If you can hang your fake or model crow by the feet facing towards a tree where a crow has its nest, the effect will be much better. When the fake crow moves in the breeze, it will look like it has died in that position and the real crows in the tree will be looking directly at it. This will scare the crow and it will leave. 

Killer Bird Audio Recordings

Believe it or not, there are audio tracks on YouTube that resemble killer birds, and the crows don’t like them. You do need to use a good speaker though because if you are only playing it on a small device such as an iPad, it won’t broadcast loud enough to upset the crows. So, once you have found a recording and set up your speaker, aim it towards the sky a little and let it play. Make sure you’re not using a volume level that will upset your neighbor though!

To be effective you will probably need to play the same recording over and over for an hour or two before you see most of the crows leave.

Some will leave pretty quickly, but there may be a few cynical crows hanging about. The important thing to note is that it isn’t necessarily the audio track that you choose that makes the difference in how quickly the crows leave, but how you play it.

Crow-Be-Gone CD

If you are finding it difficult to have to keep looping the killer bird audio track on YouTube, there is a Crow-Be-Gone CD that you can purchase. It is an audio CD that consists of calls from various birds of prey, and each sound plays at a random time interval. This makes it sound like birds are coming and going randomly rather than a continuous sound.

Set your speaker up pointing towards the sky again and play the CD. It doesn’t have to be super loud, again don’t upset the neighbors, but loud enough for the crows to hear.

Usually, the crows will abandon your backyard within minutes of the CD playing, but again you may find a few of the more stoic crows hanging around. They may even fly overhead to try and figure out where the sound is coming from. But, the good news is, if you persevere with it a couple of times a day, the crows will get the message and leave.

Ultrasound Pest Repeller

ultrasonic pest repeller

One thing to be aware of regarding an Ultrasound Pest Repeller is that the crows won’t be the only creature that is scared off by the repeller. If you are trying to attract other birds to your gardens, such as native birds or songbirds, they too will be scared away.

But, if there is a particular area of the garden you want to keep the crows out of, the sacrifice of the other birds may just be worth it.

Most small birds will eventually come back to the garden, but the crows will stay away for as long as the Ultrasound Pest Repeller is active.

Most of these machines work by motion sensing, and some will flashlight as soon as they detect any kind of motion.

They are generally very effective for keeping many pests out of your garden.

Bird Netting

The use of bird netting is highly beneficial for those who are trying to protect their berry bushes or other small garden crops.

To keep the crows away from your precious produce, just toss the netting over them and secure them with staples and stakes. The crows will still be there, but you have successfully protected your garden.

Bird Spikes

bird spikes

This isn’t as violent as it perhaps sounds. A bird spike is a mechanical roost stopper, a row of spikes that can be attached anywhere crows tend to roost. They are usually manufactured out of stainless steel or polycarbonate, so they last a long time and are weatherproof.

But if you are worried that these will hurt the birds, there is no need to panic. All the spikes do is stop the crows from being able to sit or roost where they are attached.

If the crow can’t roost, it won’t hang around your backyard. Birds always need to sit or roost somewhere, typically in tree branches, so these bird spikes are a great way to keep the larger birds like crows out of your backyard.

Water Sprinkler

Crows are not happy when they are sprayed with water, but nobody has the time or energy to run around their backyard with a spray bottle.

So, a water sprinkler is a good weapon against crows and if you get a motion-sensing sprinkler, there is no need for any effort on your behalf. Not only will those who are sprayed leave, but it will also deter others from going anywhere near the jets of water being sprayed out.

Bird Gels

bird gel on concrete

There are special gels you can purchase and spread on tree branches that will repel crows. They are sticky and tacky, and the birds do not like touching them.

Some come in the form of a gel, while others may be in paste or liquid form, but they all do the same job. Anywhere you notice crows roosting is a good place to put the gels.

Alternatively, you can also use other sticky products without having to spend a lot of money. One good product to use is axle grease. It has the same sticky, tacky texture as the commercial bird gels and it will do the same job.

These sticky substances won’t actually hurt the birds; they will just stop them from roosting. Remember, if they can’t roost, they won’t stay.

Take Away Food and Water

If there is nothing for the crows to eat, they will look elsewhere. After all, the main reason they have settled into your backyard is that there is obviously something there that they are using as a food source. It may sound like a big job, but to keep the crows away and get rid of those already invading your space, you need to take away all possible food sources.

This includes and bird feeders, pet food in dishes outside, and even your trash. Keep a tight lid on your trash bins at all times, so there is no access for the crows. They will rip open plastic trash bags, so keep them tucked away securely. Crows are also fond of compost, largely because there is usually a good supply of edible insects within it.

The best way to keep the crows out of your compost is to keep it covered, or if there is something edible in there, bury it further down the compost pile.

Crows, like any other creature, need water to survive as well as food. You can’t always remove all water sources, it’s just not possible. But by removing those you can, you are reducing the amount of water the crows have access to. These can include birdbaths and water dishes that you have put out for your pets.

Removing Trees?

If the worst comes to the worst, you may have to consider removing any trees or bushes the crows are really fond of. This does need to be a last resort option though, as every tree or bush has a place in taking care of the environment. Try all the other methods first before you do anything too drastic.

Finally, it’s worth mentioning that crows are interesting and intelligent animals. It’s only fair we give them some recognition. Take a look at this infographic to learn a bit more about them!

crow infographic