Crow Lifespan: How Long Do Crows Live?

how long do crows live


Crows are some of the most intelligent animals on the planet. They can solve complex problems and have a cognitive map of their surroundings. 

But how long do crows live? Do they die of old age, or do they get killed by other animals or humans? Read on to find out!

What are Crows?

The crow is a large bird of the Corvidae family. The members of this family also include ravens, jays, and magpies. Crows are black with glossy feathers, and they are known for their distinctive cawing call. 

Although they are intelligent birds, they often have a bad reputation due to their scavenging habits. In some cultures, crows are considered to be unlucky, while in others they are seen as symbols of wisdom or good fortune. Crows are found on every continent except Antarctica, and they generally live in open habitats such as forests, grasslands, or deserts. 

how long do crows live

Some species of crow are even known to live in urban areas. Although they are not always popular with humans, crows play an important role in the ecosystem by dispatching carrion and dispersing seeds.

For starters, crows are among the most intelligent birds in the world. They have been known to solve complex problems and even use tools to get food. In addition, crows have excellent memory. They can remember human faces and will even hold grudges against those who have harmed them in the past.

Another interesting fact about crows is that they form complex social structures. They live in family groups and work together to care for the young and defend their territory. In fact, crows have been known to cooperate with other animals, including humans, in order to find food.

How Long Do Crows Live?

In Wild

How long do crows live in the wild? The majority of crows do not live to be one year old. A study of the survival rates of American crows discovered that 89 percent did not survive to the breeding age. Only one out of every twenty Torresian crows survive their first year on their own.

Crows that survive their early years can live for 10 to 15 years, though 7 to 8 years is more common. Some species, like the Carrion crow, only live for 4 to 7 years. The average life expectancy for a crow is therefore quite low, and many do not live to see their first birthday. 

This is likely due to the many dangers they face, including predators, disease, and extreme weather conditions. Nevertheless, some crows are lucky enough to overcome the odds and live long lives.

In Captivity

How long do crows live in captivity? Crows are among the most intelligent bird species, and their long lifespan is a testament to their adaptability. 

However, crows raised in captivity often have lifespans that exceed 20 years. The record for the oldest captive crow belongs to a bird named Mrs. Grogans, who lived to be 59 years old. While the average lifespan of a captive crow is significantly longer than that of its wild counterparts, it is still relatively short in comparison to other pet birds. 

how long do crows live

For example, parrots can live for upwards of 50 years, and budgies commonly reach the age of 20. Nevertheless, the fact that crows can thrive in captivity is a testament to their intelligence and resilience.

Oldest Living Crows

Tata the crow was one of the oldest known crows, living to the ripe old age of 59. He was born in a Long Island cemetery in 1947 and later injured during a storm. He was discovered by a cemetery worker who took him in and nursed him back to health. 

The crow lived with the worker’s family for more than 50 years. During his long life, Tata witnessed 11 U.S. presidents come and go. In his later years, he became a bit of a local celebrity, appearing on television and in newspapers.

Edgar was one of the oldest crows ever kept in captivity in a North American zoo, living to the ripe old age of almost 26 years old. According to the Saginaw Children’s Zoo, Edgar was an extremely friendly bird who loved greeting everyone who passed by his enclosure. 

He quickly became a favorite among zoo staff and visitors alike, and his longevity was a testament to the high-quality care he received at the zoo. While most crows only live for around 10 years in the wild, Edgar’s long life was a reminder that captive birds can often exceed expectations when it comes to lifespan.

Factors Determinating Crows Lifespan

Besides the environment and diet, there are also other factors influencing the crow’s lifespan like predators, diseases, and accidents, which can all lead to their death.


It’s no secret that crows are predators. They kill and eat smaller bugs and birds with abandon. However, what you may not know is that these birds are also prey to some ferocious and larger predators, who can attack and kill them. 

While crows’ fledglings and eggs are more vulnerable to intruder attacks, adult crows are less successful. Adult crows can fend for themselves against larger predators like horned owls, hawks, eagles, and falcons. In most cases, crows can flee their predators and chase them away. 

However, in some cases, they become the victim. If crows are not cautious, bobcats and coyotes will attack them. So next time you see a crow, give it a wide berth – you don’t want to end up as lunch!


Crows are known to be one of the main carriers of the West Nile Virus. This disease first made an appearance in North America back in 1999 and crows have been infected with this mosquito-borne African infection ever since. 

how long do crows live

Because crows are so susceptible to this infection, any crow that comes into contact with it usually dies within seven days. In fact, the chance of survival is so low that the population of American crows has decreased by 45 percent. 


Despite their reputation, crows are actually quite intelligent and resourceful birds. Unfortunately, this also means that they are often misunderstood and targeted by humans. 

There are a variety of ways in which crows can be harmed in and around our homes and neighborhoods. Crashing into windows or wire walls, being bitten by cats or dogs, being hit by vehicles, and falling into chimneys are the most common accidents they choose. 

However, the danger is not limited to accidents. Crows are also intentionally killed because of their bad reputation. Despite being protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, people have made extensive efforts to eradicate these birds. 

For a long time, these birds have been slaughtered in large numbers. Humans feed them poisonous food and destroy their nests, resulting in the death of many fledglings. It is only through a better understanding of these birds that we can hope to protect them from further harm.


So how long do crows live? The average lifespan of a crow is around 8 years in the wild, but they have been known to live up to 20 years. In captivity, crows can live up to 30 years. Crows are fascinating creatures and it’s no wonder people are so interested in them. They are incredibly smart, social animals that exhibit complex behavior. 

Do you have any stories or experiences with crows that you’d like to share? Let us know in the comments below!