Where Do Crows Nest?

crow in a nest


Crows are among the most intelligent creatures in the world. It is believed that crow’s intelligence is similar to primates and dolphins.

Crows’ smart thinking is clearly seen in how they build their nests, care for their young ones, and search for food. Here you will learn where do crows nest, the kind of nests they make, and when do crows nest.

What Kind Of Nests Do Crows Make?

crows nest

The nest design that crows make must match their nestlings. The primary purpose of crows’ nests is to provide comfort and protection.

For these reasons, crows nests have a hard outer layer and a soft inner layer. The outer layer consists of twigs and branches, allowing the nest to tolerate even harsh conditions.

Crow’s nests are substantial as they are made on great heights. The inner layer is made of soft materials to help protect the twigs from pricking their hatchlings. In addition, these soft materials ensure crows’ young ones are comfortable and warm.

You can find fabric, wool, hair, string, and wood shavings in the crows’ nests. In the natural setting, crows nests have substances like plant fibers, moss, and bark.

The average size of a crow’s nest has a diameter of about 24 inches (2 feet) and 9 inches high. Now that you know the kind of nests crows make let’s see if they return to the same nest.

Do Crows Get Back to the Same Nest?

Crows are naturally migrant birds; hence they move from one place to another. They do migrate as climate changes. However, they still return to the same nest once a year.

Crows stay in that old nest for about one to two weeks before they build a new one. They do not destroy their nests, which become homes for other animals like owls and hawks.

In most instances, squirrels use crows’ nests for napping, especially during the summer. This leads to the destruction of many nests even before the crows could return.

Therefore, when corvids come back, they make new nests right from scratch. Both females and males participate in building nests. Thus, where do crows’ nest?

Where Do Crows Make Their Nests?

crow on a tree

Many people ask, where do crows nest? Crows build their nests at very high points about 15 to 60 feet from the ground. The nests are in the crotch close to the tree’s trunk or tree’s limb.

Crows mostly like to nest on tall, evergreen trees with many branches spread all over to accommodate all. Hence, they mainly choose deciduous or coniferous trees.

In case they don’t find tall trees, these birds make their nests at lower levels, either in shrubbery or hedgerows. In urban areas, crows make their nests on the sides of the buildings or window ledges.

You will find some crows make their nests on telephone towers, though not often. A group of crows builds nests on a single tree. Finding crows’ nests is not as easy as many think. You must know where to search for them.

How To Find Crows’ Nests?

As earlier mentioned, it is not easy to find crows nests despite them making loud caws. These birds are silent when making their nests or if they have nestlings.

They keep quiet to ensure they don’t attract danger from predators or other birds. Therefore, if you want to get a crow’s nest, you must search on top of tall trees and find if you will discover any compressed twigs and branches.

You can also keep an eye around trees to see if you can see any crow flies nearby. Crows can make different nests attract their predators such that if the predators see an empty nest, they will never chase the crows anymore.

Where Do Crows Have Their Slumber?

crow laying in a nest
Black crow laying on the eggs in the nest on the tree

Most people think that crows sleep in their nests, but this is not the case. These birds use their nests for mating and housing their young ones.

Crows sleep or rest in branches close to their nests. They usually gather in trees in huge numbers, particularly every season.

It is during these gatherings that they mate. The vast numbers also help them to protect themselves from any danger.

When Do Crows Nest?

Some people ask when do crows nest? Crows start to build their nests in early March, and this may continue up to June. It only takes one to two weeks for a nest to be complete.

After the completion of the nest, the female will lay a clutch of three to nine eggs. Crows incubate their eggs for 18 days. When the nestlings hatch, they stay in the nest for up to 35 days.

The youngsters leave the nest only when they can fly and spend a few days on the ground. Crows take care of their young for the first year and help them through the next offspring season.


Crows are intelligent creatures, and they use their smartness to build sturdy nests. They use the nests for comfort and protection.

The outer layer of crows nests is hard-wearing to tolerate harsh weather conditions. The inner layer is made of soft materials to make it comfortable for their young ones.

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